Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Doing Your Own Makeup

I actually really enjoy doing my own makeup. I'm not particularly good at it—but over the years I've gotten into a routine that I really like. It takes less than ten minutes for me to wash my face and put on my daily makeup, and only slightly more than that if I'm trying to "dress it up" for a special occasion. It's a good way to start the day—I find it calming before I head out to work.

That being said, I considered how nice it would be to have someone do my makeup for the wedding. I wouldn't have to worry about it at all and I'm sure they would do a better job than I could! Unfortunately, it's also expensive and really not practical given the time constraints on the morning of the wedding. 

I decided that instead of paying a makeup artist for one day, I would invest a smaller amount of money in makeup that I could wear repeatedly for nice occasions. I'm looking to spend less than $100 on some staples I can have for awhile—a basic primer, a nicer concealer/foundation, and a subtle yet polished lipstick. I'm also thinking about trying out some different eyeliners, but I like my mascara and eyeshadow.

Oh, but first, here's my current makeup look.

Sorry for awkwardly cropping most of Mr. Lemur's face out of the picture. It's the best shot I could find of what my makeup usually looks like! Also, it was so windy that day and my hair went everywhere.

First, the primer. The wedding will be in May in South Carolina, so it will be humid. Actually, it doesn't matter what time of year it is in South Carolina—it will be humid no matter what! Usually my makeup melts off within a few hours and I am constantly reapplying and powdering throughout the day. One blog I read—Capitol Hill Style—swears by Nars Pro-Prime Oil Free to hold makeup even in the humidity. It's a little expensive, but if it works consistently I'm not opposed to spending $34 on primer to hold my makeup in place for my wedding day, unless someone has a less expensive option they would like to share!

Image via Nordstrom

I have had awful skin my entire life. I've been to the dermatologist more times than I'd like to remember and tried several kinds of oral medications and creams, gels, and face washes. Just keeping it real here, folks. Maybe it's because I'm finally getting a little older, but my skin has stabilized somewhat. Of course, I still have terrible days and some scars and flaws from years of struggling with it, so a good concealer and foundation is a must. I've heard good things about both of these—the Laura Mercier ($30) and the Revlon ($9). Is it true that you get what you pay for?

Image via Bloomingdale's

Image via Target

There is only one thing I regret about doing my own makeup for my engagement photo shoot—and that is that I didn't wear any kind of lip gloss or lipstick. I don't on a normal basis, but I do feel like my lips look washed out in some of the pictures. Besides, the New York Times tells us that wearing lipstick actually may make people see women as more competent as opposed to non-lipstick wearing peers. Either way, I'm looking for a basic lipstick in a pink or coral color (no dark burgundy or red). Maybe this basic CoverGirl, which comes in many shades? Or I could stick with a lip gloss (baby steps here).

Image via Walgreens

Image via Nordstrom

That was kind of a marathon post, but this is the part I'm really interested in. What makeup do you wear? Do you have suggestions for me? Did anyone else do their own makeup and love it? Regret it?

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