Monday, April 1, 2013

The Secret Life of Bees: Lemur Edition

As a break on a Monday, let's talk about something non-wedding related. (Sometimes you just get burnt out on wedding stuff, you know?) I love these Secret Life of Bees posts, so I thought I would contribute—even though I have a very boring life, so how about we just make this a "Things You Don't Know About Me" post? Maybe I'll have to post about Mr. Lemur later.

1. I am a huge Packers fan.

Personal photo

I grew up less than thirty minutes from Lambeau Field as an ardent Packers fan. (Umm, that's pretty much a requirement if you live in Wisconsin.) I am now moving less than thirty minutes from Ford Field—that's where the Detroit Lions play, for those of you who aren't as interested in football—and marrying a Lions fan. Trust me, this rivalry only works because the Packers keep winning. If the Lions were ever better than the Packers (not going to happen), we might have severe marital problems.

Bonus secret life: I had bangs and cut my hair short my freshman year of college. This is several months grown out. Looking back, I'm not sure if I miss it or not.

2. I'm a nerd.

Personal photo

As a math undergrad, I think it's pretty much a requirement to carve your pumpkin with a pi symbol. Wait, it's not? Anyone? And yes, my best friend Melissa is a huge Phillies fan. How did you guess?

3. I ran a triathlon and my race number was 666.

Personal photo

My two sisters conned me into running a sprint triathlon with them. It was short—just a quarter mile swim, 27 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. It was a competition, and I still take pride in the fact that I finished more than fifteen minutes before either of them. By the way, it was a cold, cold morning. I still remember how cold that water was. It was a great experience and I'd love to do another triathlon. It takes a lot of time to train though!

When I finished and walked up to the station to hand off my timing chip (the yellow boxes my sisters and I are wearing around our ankles), the timer crossed himself and asked if this was a sign. No, but somehow out of all 1,000+ people running, I ended up with the mark of the beast!

Well, that's all I have. Tell me something random about yourself! Or, share your team affiliations! Anyone else compete in a triathlon?

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