Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Best Wedding Gift I Received

And my wedding isn't even here yet—but I guarantee nothing can top this one!

I had a shower at Mr. Lemur's church over the weekend, which I plan to recap once I get pictures. I totally planned to take pictures myself but between opening gifts and meeting people I kinda failed in that department. (I have exactly one focused picture, and it's of my sister staring into the camera creepily. Oops.) Fortunately my mom and a friend of the family took plenty of pictures which I'm super excited to share with you because my shower was lovely. I was very thankful to have so many people there!

After the shower we brought all the gifts back to the house and were sorting through them with both sets of parents—my parents had driven over from Wisconsin for the weekend. They had brought with them what was I thought was the bedroom set I grew up with. Since I've been living in a furnished apartment, we didn't have a bedroom set and my parents graciously offered to give me the one in my room at home.

I was sitting on the couch and my dad handed me a card with three pictures in it. The first was a picture of a hallway with wooden trim. The second was this:

Personal photo

Umm, that's not the bedroom set that was in my room. In fact, I've never seen that bedroom set before.

The note on the back of the first picture told the story of how my dad was working at a jobsite (Actually, he was renovating an old Catholic convent!) and they were throwing all the beautiful oak wood from the hallway away. On January 12, 2008 my dad picked up the wood and brought it home to store it in the garage. I was a senior in high school then—no idea I would be getting married five years later!

In August of last year Mr. Lemur and I took a trip with my family. After that trip my dad went home and decided it was time to start working on the bedroom set because he knew we would be getting married soon. Nine months and over 200 hours of labor later, the set was done and I was so so surprised.

My dad built my parents' bedroom set and I've admired it ever since I was a little girl. Their set has the same four pieces (five if you count the removable shelving unit on top of the medium-sized dresser), but is made out of a different kind of wood with a slightly different style. I love that this one is customized to us!

I know this post doesn't have a whole lot to do with wedding planning—but I wanted to share the awesome wedding gift I received! I was overwhelmed with beautiful gifts, but nothing is better than this handcrafted set from my dad.

Thank you, dad. I love you.

Did you receive any special wedding gifts? What is the best wedding gift you received?

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