Thursday, January 31, 2013

Invitations Part I

Wow, could I make this post title any more boring? Sorry, I only have limited creativity and I think I already used up all of today's.

Before we actually talk about the invitations, I want to talk a little about what we're not doing. We're not doing a fancy invitation suite—that means no inner envelope, no cool pocketfold, no embossing or letterpress, no envelope liner, no calligraphy. Am I a little sad about that? Maybe. There are some really cool invitation suites out there!

For us though, I know this wasn't the way to go. I didn't have the time or energy to invest in a complex project myself or the money to pay someone to do it—or even to buy the supplies for a complicated DIY project. Instead of taking on something that would end up more work and stress than I could handle, we decided to go the simple route, although I do get to do a few small touches!

The next post will talk about the actual invitation, but I do get to share the part I'm really excited about now. I decided to order Mini Moo cards to include the RSVP information (we're using our wedding website to RSVP) and just to direct them to the website in general. Several brides have done this in the past, and it seems to have worked out well for them. Plus the cards only cost $19.99 and Mr. Lemur found a coupon for free shipping—always check Google before pressing submit!

They even came in the mail a few days before I expected!

I loved how cute the packaging was. We ordered four different pictures for the front. Just for fun—it's not like anyone will know they got design three or whatever!

They're half the size of a business card—I put the pencil in the picture for comparison's sake. The back of the card directs them to the website and of course credits our photographer.

So there you go! Part I. And maybe in the really cleverly named Part II maybe I'll get beyond the cute little cards and talk about the rest of the invitation.

Anyone else go with a simple invitation? What about an online RSVP? How did it work out?

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